The Ins and Outs of Outsourcing Your Cleaning


The cuts in public services funded by the government that are trickling through municipal councils, has resulted in many sectors being in trouble. This has led to the demise of essential services once provided by councils becoming exclusively the responsibility of this industry. In most cases outsourcing these services to specialist firms is the most effective alternative.

Mesco facilities for for school maintenance London is an excellent example of this. Alternative cleaning arrangements had to be devised following the council's announcement of its intention to cease cleaning services during April. Instead of hiring cleaning staff to assist with house cleaning services located in London Many decided to use cleaners' companies.

Medco Facilities, which is a major cleaning company's Business Development Manager has been working closely with these schools to provide them with the latest cleaning solutions. He discusses how outsourcing cleaning has become an option to offer the services.

What are the advantages of outsourcing cleaning?

The most important benefit is providing the cleaning service to a third-party who is professional and competent to provide you with every service you need. You can expect a higher standard of service, a high quality and consistency using contractors for their services. In addition, all aspects that is related to this department becomes the charge of your contractor. This includes staffing issues and the maintenance standards in the building, purchasing equipment and materials, and the management of the whole procedure. If you or someone else is responsible for these tasks, the employees and you are able to be able to focus on other duties.

Shouldn't the quality of the work get lowered?

The service's quality will be higher by outsourcing your cleaning. The contractors guarantee top-quality results and take extra care to maintain. They regularly inspect the work site by the local manager, who makes sure that cleanup is of the highest standard.

It is also the area manager's responsibility to reply to any concerns or complaints that you might have, that means you're able to speak directly with them all day long. Through our discussions with our schools we learned that they like communicating directly with their business as they were concerned that any issues they had with cleaners working in the public sector that needed to be addressed through various channels prior to being addressed. When you have direct communication, issues regarding staff or equipment that are damaged can be resolved swiftly with an email that ensures the standards are at a high level.

The staff that I employ for cleaning should are currently fired?

Instead, they will be an employee of the cleaning services that you contract out to. There are laws to protect the employees against losing jobs, or any rights they have as employees, if the decision is made to hire outsourcers.

TUPE Regulations, Transfer of undertakings (Protection of Employment) were enacted to ensure the rights of employees. The law states that employee contracts and job titles can't be altered when you contract with an outside company to oversee the department they are working for. The contractor has to copy the employee's contract precisely and keep every aspect exactly the same. For example, when we worked in schools, a significant majority of the cleaners been employed by the council and had benefits that were available only to employees of the private sector. When they became our employees, we extended their benefits to the max.

This was accomplished by coordinating existing pension rights with a multinational company that possess the necessary GAD certification in order to make LGPF similar.

The contractors are also accountable for CRB clearances and sick or holiday protection and payroll HR, pensions grievances and disciplinary issues Each staffing issue is the sole responsibility of the contractor.

What kind of services could expect from an individual cleaning service?

Typically, you will receive two types of cleaning services provided by your contractor.

The first is the cleaning that is done daily that maintains the day to daily appearance of the structure. As we worked on the school's project to clean we also provided cleaning services in the mornings as well as during the afternoons, dependent on the needs throughout the school year.

The other one is deep-cleaning. It involves more work, and takes me longer. This could include removing the kitchen window or floor cleaners,to the maintenance of the outdoor grounds. Through collaboration with schools, we discovered that it is most effective to do this in the off-season, however cleaning experts will work with you to find the most efficient solution for your business.

What happens if I need something I require that my contractor was unable to deliver?

If your contractor can offer any house-cleaning services in London typically, they'll offer a subcontractor and will be handled directly. In the case of our window cleaners, no of the window cleaning staff have assailers certified, but we work with companies who have trained assailers, and may be able to provide the required assailers in case they are needed.

Do you think it is cost-effective to outsource an individual firm?

If you take a look at all the advantages outsourcing could provide, you'll see outsourcing is an affordable choice for your company. One way we utilized to cut down on the total costs for schools was to examine a few of the additional services the school was paying for in order to find ways to provide the services for less.

For example, schools' cleaning staff had to pay on paper products, such as papers or toiletries, in addition to soaps and hand creams. We are able to provide these products and we were able assist schools to cut expenses by offering these products at a reduced price. We also assisted them with the management of water. Through the management of water tanks in the sanitary facilities and urinals the water consumption can be reduced by as high as 80percent. Additionally, we helped the schools that we worked with in reducing security costs. The school's cleaning London was paid by the council each time when police were summoned to investigate a burglary. I cut down on the costs through the our security contractor. our security experts who could visit the school following burglaries.


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